iOS 18 beta: How you can test the new operating system soon

Apple will soon be releasing its first public beta version of iOS 18. Our tips show you how to test it – or maybe not.

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iOS 18 overview

iOS 18 overview.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Since June 10, participants in Apple's developer program have been able to test iOS 18 in a pre-release version. The third beta was recently released. However, anyone who does not want to register (free of charge) as a developer will soon be able to test it too: as is traditionally the case, the public beta period will begin in July. The reason for the wait: Apple wants to test its pre-release versions with professionals – i.e. the devs – before going public with the third or fourth beta. This approach has proven itself over the years.

The public beta is expected to be launched in the coming days. Apple is already writing that the pre-release versions will be "available soon". The main point of contact is the public beta website. Here, you log in with your Apple ID to become a participant. You can then register your devices. In practice, once you have logged in with your Apple ID, you will see a button in the Updates section of the supported devices that allows you to activate and deactivate the download of betas.

You cannot participate without an Apple ID. Use of the public beta is free of charge, but there is no compensation for reporting bugs or other problems. Apple hopes that as many participants as possible will provide feedback via the Feedback Assistant tool (available on the web and as an app on the device). This is the only way the company can fix bugs quickly before the first public version of iOS 18 is (presumably) released in September.

Even though Apple always makes the public beta available after the developer beta, it should be noted that the operating systems are still pre-release versions. This means that there may be more or less serious bugs, which, in the worst case, can also lead to data loss. Accordingly, it is highly recommended that you only participate in the public beta program if you have an additional iPhone on which you install the pre-release version - but do not use your productive main device. If you want to be on the safe side, you should also create a new Apple ID so as not to jeopardize data in iCloud. Then, of course, you won't have access to it.

With a little caution, you can then test to your heart's content. In addition to iOS 18, Apple is also making betas of iPadOS 18, macOS 15 Sequoia, tvOS 18, watchOS 11 and even HomePod software 18 available. Apparently, however, the firmware beta for the AirPods will not be made available – despite exciting new functions. iOS 18 runs on iPhone XR and iPhone SE 2 and higher.

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