iPhone rumors: 24-megapixel selfie camera, the Foldable, larger batteries

Various new rumors about the iPhone 16 and 17 have been doing the rounds since the weekend. An overview of what leakers and analysts believe.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

While the iPhone 16 is not yet on the market, speculation about the iPhone 17 is already doing the rounds. This was again the case at the weekend – but there were also new leaks about the 16 and the foldable iPhone that will hopefully be released one day. An overview.

Well-known analyst Jeff Pu from the Shanghainese bank Haitong believes that all iPhone 17 models will be equipped with a front camera with a resolution of 24 megapixels for the first time. In a report to investors, he writes that this applies to the iPhone 17, 17 "Slim" or "Ultra", 17 Pro and 17 Pro Max. Apple is also planning improved optics with six plastic lenses. The selfie camera on the iPhone 15 only has 12 megapixels and five lens elements.

The rumors are in line with an analysis by Pu's colleague Ming-Chi Kuo from TF International Securities. He claimed in spring that at least one of the models would receive the new selfie camera "for significantly better image quality". The fact that all models will have it would be positive for customers. The iPhone 17 generation is not expected before September 2025. The selfie cameras of the iPhone 16 are likely to remain at 12 megapixels.

Another piece of information from Pu concerns the iPhone Foldable - or iPad Foldable, as the analyst believes. In his opinion, it will not appear before 2026, instead of his previous view that it will be ready in 2025. However, other analysts already believed that nothing would happen next year. Pu is expecting an astonishingly large device; at least one is said to reach up to 20 inches when unfolded. However, there are allegedly still quality problems, and Apple also wants to focus more on the iPhone 17 and Apple Intelligence in 2025.

Meanwhile, the Chinese short message service Weibo has reported that Apple will install more capacity in the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max batteries with over 5 and over 9 percent more capacity respectively. The information is in line with previous findings, according to which Apple wants to house the batteries in a new housing inside that makes them easier to replace and more robust.

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