Apple Intelligence: Several functions will be available with iOS 18.2

Image generators were supposed to be part of Apple Intelligence right from the start. According to a report, however, this has been postponed for months.

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Apple Intelligence on Mac, iPhone and iPad

Apple Intelligence on Mac, iPhone and iPad: What's coming when?

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read

Apple is apparently unable to integrate previously announced AI functions into iOS in a timely manner. As the financial news agency Bloomberg writes, image generator features planned for Apple Intelligence will probably not appear before December, when the update to iOS 18.2 is released. This concerns both the so-called Image Playground, which allows you to generate different types of (non-photorealistic) images in different styles via a text prompt, as well as another function already presented by Apple.

This is said to be the Genmoji feature, with which you can generate your own emojis, which are also created on the basis of a text prompt. Both functions, Image Playground and Genmoji, cannot currently be tested by developers – They are not part of iOS 18.1 Beta 3, the latest pre-release version of the Apple Intelligence test build for the iPhone. However, Apple recently added the option to clean up image parts in the Photos app using AI Clean-Up. However, you don't need any prompts for this, just select the desired area.

Apple describes the Image Playground in its documents from the summer as follows: "Create fun, original images in seconds with the Image Playground directly in your apps. Generate an entirely new image based on a description, suggested concepts, and even a person from your photo collection." It should also be possible to adjust the style and make subsequent changes. However, the images never look truly realistic to avoid the forgery problems that plague other providers.

Genmoji in turn allows you to create your own emojis, which can then be used in chats and emails. "Enter a description to see a preview and customize your description until it's perfect. You can even choose a person from your photo collection and create a Genmoji that looks like that person," says Apple.

According to Bloomberg, Apple will not be able to deliver the functions with iOS 18.1 in October. Instead, it wants to proceed step by step. The integration of ChatGPT in iOS (on request) and the improved Siri will also come later – either by the end of the year or even next spring.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.