Epic annoys Apple: subsidy for App Store competitor in the EU

Apple has to allow alternative app stores in the EU, but this is expensive. Epic wants to change this and is giving AltStore PAL a helping hand – it is now free

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Fortnite on an iPhone in front of the Apple logo

(Image: Ascannio/Shutterstock.com)

2 min. read

Epic Games wants to boost alternative app distribution for iPhones in the EU and annoy Apple at the same time. The gaming giant is therefore helping an alternative app marketplace shortly before the planned iOS launch of its own Epic Games Store: thanks to an unspecified grant from Epic, the installation of AltStore PAL is now free, as the developer announced. Epic's "MegaGrant" makes it possible to pay Apple's controversial "Core Technology Fee" and therefore waive the previously charged subscription.

Alternative app stores in the EU have to pay Apple 50 cents (per year) for each individual installation of the marketplace. A reasonably popular app store that achieves 1 million downloads in the EU must therefore transfer 500,000 euros per year to Apple. AltStore PAL was therefore previously behind a payment barrier, with access costing users €1.80 per year - this is now no longer the case. Existing subscriptions will be terminated automatically, the developer emphasized.

With this step, Epic Games is making the alternative marketplace much more appealing, as some users may have been put off by the subscription alone. Epic also plans to distribute Fortnite, which has been removed from the App Store, via AltStore PAL in the near future, as well as in its own Epic Games Store. The game and game store have been submitted to Apple for review (notarization), Epic announced at the beginning of the week – they want to launch soon. Epic Games and Apple had previously clashed once again because the iPhone company had temporarily blocked the approval of the Games Store.

Since March, Apple has had to allow alternative app stores on the iPhone and soon also on the iPad in the EU due to the new rules of the Digital Markets Act. The installation of such marketplaces on the iPhone is cumbersome and users must expect restrictions. So far, there are only two other app stores besides AltStore PAL, which are also still in closed beta.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.