Pocket Casts: Alternative podcasting client for the Mac reaches version 2

Automattic has released an update for the Mac version of its podcasting app Pocket Casts. The multi-platform support has been expanded.

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Pocket Casts 2 installation screen in the Finder

Installation screen of Pocket Casts 2 in the Finder.

(Image: Automattic)

2 min. read

On the iPhone, Apple's own podcasts app dominates the field of audio broadcasts – and the standard tool is also very popular on the Mac. But it doesn't always have to be Apple: competitors such as Overcast or Castro sometimes even offer more functions along with more convenient operation. Also in the running is Pocket Casts, a once independent app that was later sold to the US broadcasting chain NPR and finally sold to the WordPress operator Automattic. Automattic now regularly updates the app and has also recently created a Mac application. This is now available in a new version 2.

The Mac app, which can exclusively be used by users of the paid Pocket Casts subscription (from 22.67 euros per year), enables access to the podcasts media library created on the iPhone. In version 2, the app's framework has been switched to Electron, which improves the multi-platform options.

This means that there should now always be feature parity with the Windows version, which has also been updated – improved chapter support and the miniplayer were recently added there. The rendering engine should be faster and the entire app should run better overall. The Electron framework itself is not without controversy among Mac users, but has made progress over the last few years.

Pocket Casts is otherwise an extensively equipped podcast client. The app can receive RSS feeds as well as shows that can be found via an integrated search engine, offers a playlist including history, is suitable for offline operation and comes with a bookmark function.

Since last year, there has also been an autoplay function that automatically finds the next episode as soon as it has finished. Pocket Casts can also be used on the Apple Watch and, as mentioned, is also available for Windows in addition to Mac and iPhone – there is also an Android and Google Wear version of the app. The application can also be used in the car as a CarPlay version. Many functions are also available without a premium subscription.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.