iPad Pro M4: Serious problems with iPadOS 18

Apple has withdrawn its new iPad operating system for various models after reports of crashes during installation attempts.

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iPad Pro M4 in both variants

iPad Pro M4 in both variants: Trouble with iPadOS 18.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read

Users who try to install iPadOS 18, which was released on Monday, on their iPad Pro M4 may have to deal with serious problems: users report that their devices simply won't start after the update. This means that the tablet is "bricking". It is currently unclear how often this happens –, but the incidents are so widespread that Apple has decided to no longer distribute iPadOS 18 for these models. The IPSW file of the firmware, which can be used to restore to iPadOS 18, is also no longer signed by Apple for security reasons.

In a brief statement from the company to the American media, the problem was confirmed, albeit in a rather trivializing way. "We have temporarily removed the iPadOS 18 update for M4 iPad Pro models as we work to fix an issue that affects a small number of devices," Apple said. Apple did not provide any information on what those affected can do –. Apparently, a restore must be carried out, but this is currently not possible due to the withdrawal of the update.

It is conceivable that there is a collision between iPadOS 17.7, which was released at the same time on Monday, and iPadOS 18. Some affected users had installed this update before iPadOS 18. At the moment, the only option is to take your damaged iPad to Apple and hope that the service team there can help –, for example by means of low-level measures. Whether this will result in data loss remains unclear.

"I updated my iPad Pro M4 to iOS 18. It didn't work well, the iPad won't turn on, a hard reset doesn't work and it won't show up on my Mac. I've sent it in for repair," writes one affected user in Apple's official support forum. Another reported that even after 20 minutes nothing had happened. "[The iPad] doesn't even make any more noise when it tries to charge."

It also said that it felt as if the battery was completely empty. Buttons and access via USB-C no longer worked. Other users reported from the Apple Store that they initially had to wait there for a replacement device.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.