"ARA – History Untold": A crisp strategy hit for "Civilization" fans

The strategy game "ARA: History Untold" is intended to build on the success of the classic "Civilization". It is a game by professionals for professionals.

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Screenshot aus "ARA: History Untold"

(Image: Oxide Games)

4 min. read
  • Andreas Müller

"Explore, expand, exploit, exterminate" – Global strategy games such as "Civilization" have been pampering their loyal fan community with this successful 4X concept for around three decades. With "ARA: History Untold", former developers from the "Civ" forge Firaxis have now ventured into the genre. It's no wonder that much resembles the original.

In "ARA", players slip into the role of a historical personality who leads their people from antiquity to the future with overview and assertiveness. The 41 leaders have different abilities: An Otto von Bismarck brings bonuses for production and military and Nefertiti supports research and trade. The growing empire competes with other computer-controlled nations. Whoever has the most "prestige" points for trade, growth or military superiority at the end wins the game.

The gameplay is similar to the great role model "Civilization". While the scouts explore the area on the playing fields, settlers found the first city. We advance turn by turn with a click of the mouse. The first technologies are researched and a farm supplies the population with food. The city is divided into individual areas, each of which offers its own advantages. Good: Players are warned if they want to cultivate on an unsuitable field. This makes it easier for newcomers to get started.

"ARA: History Untold" angespielt (5 Bilder)

Nüchtern, aber spielerisch ausgereift: "ARA: History Untold" verwöhnt vor allem Genre-Fans. (Bild:

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The possibilities increase with each epoch and players establish new districts. They invent the wheel, send ships on voyages or train their armed forces. Other nations offer diplomatic relations or trade. From time to time, we meet famous personalities such as Pythagoras, who players can hire as advisors at home and abroad. Each advance brings prestige points for victory. If players complete special objectives such as building the Colossus of Rhodes, bonus points are awarded.

Oxide has thought of everything in terms of gameplay. The numerous technologies, diplomacy and trade are well thought out and motivating. If you want, you can even besiege cities and conquer territories. Small details provide variety. For example, players can later employ specialists to increase production or provide cities with "amenities" such as jewelry or clothing to make the population happy. Players can equip farms or sawmills with plows or tools using ingenious chains of goods. This all makes sense, but makes the game very fragmented.

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During our play sessions, we quickly realized that the presentation is not the game's strong point. Especially when the empire has grown by a few cities and we have all the information displayed, players have to look very closely to keep track of everything. The infinitely variable zoom is a nice feature, but useless in terms of gameplay. The whole presentation is sober and matter-of-fact.

If you get lost in the menus and the numerous pieces of information, you'll quickly lose out. The computer opponents don't dawdle, but aggressively push ahead with their expansion. This made us sweat a lot, also because some game decisions are not obvious at first glance. Why can't we build here? Why is our city expansion stalling? Despite the detailed tutorial, some questions remain unanswered and you have to find the answers yourself.

With "ARA: History Untold", Oxide Games offers a playfully mature but sober 4X global strategy for all fans for whom the genre top dog "Civilization" is too easy. The development studio does not experiment and relies on a kind of best-of of the role models that leaves little to be desired in terms of gameplay. However, the obsession with detail leads to a complex gameplay that will cause frustration for newcomers even on the "Normal" difficulty level. "ARA" is a game by professionals for professionals.

"ARA: History Untold" will be released for Windows on September 24. It is included in the PC Game Pass. It costs approx. 60 €. USK from 12.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.