Charging electric cars: Number of charging stations continues to grow strongly

The number of charging points for electric cars is growing strongly. AC chargers with 22 kW continue to dominate, but the number of fast chargers is also rising.

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Smart #1

Within two years, the number of public charging points in Germany has almost doubled. In the picture: Smart #1

(Image: Franz)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The Federal Network Agency has published new figures on the status of the charging infrastructure for electric cars in Germany. They relate to the expansion on January 1 2024, according to which a total of 123,449 public charging points were registered with the Federal Network Agency - an increase of 35,136 or around 40 percent within one year. 98,216 were chargers with up to 22 kW, 25,233 were charging points with more than 22 kW.

The expansion continues to vary greatly from a technical and regional perspective. The number of DC charging points with 150 to 299 kW is growing most strongly by 108 percent. There were 8849 charging points in January 2024, compared to just 4259 a year earlier. In percentage terms, this is followed by charging points with 300 kW and more (up 69 percent, 6621 charging points) and AC chargers with 3.7 to 15 kW (up 58 percent, 21,068 charging points). Measured in absolute figures, the number of AC chargers with 22 kW continues to grow in particular. Instead of 58,259 in January 2023, there were already 75,409 at the start of 2024 - an increase of 17,150 charging points.

Among the federal states, Bavaria (25,058 charging points), North Rhine-Westphalia (22,709) and Baden-Württemberg (21,812) lead the statistics in terms of the number of charging points. Bavaria also leads in terms of expansion: 17,960 charging points were registered there in January 2023. Nowhere else did the number of charging points grow as strongly in percentage terms as in Brandenburg (73 percent) and Berlin (70 percent). Bringing up the rear are Saxony (growth: 33 percent) and Hamburg (23 percent). Overall, the expansion of the charging infrastructure in Germany is making progress. A look back shows this in particular. In January 2022, 62,558 public charging points were registered in Germany. This means that the total number has almost doubled within two years.
