Hardware rumors: AirPods with health features, security camera from Apple
A well-known analyst has fresh details on new Apple products up his sleeve. They concern both mobile and smart home devices.

Apple logo: New hardware ahead?
(Image: Sebastian Trepesch)
Apple is apparently planning its own security camera for HomeKit. This is reported by the usually well-informed analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from the Taiwanese investment firm TF International Securities. According to him, the manufacturer has already found a production partner for a "Smart Home IP Camera". However, the launch is not planned until 2026, with Apple aiming to deliver 10 million units per year. Kuo has also heard that there will be AirPods with innovative "health management functions".
Production also in Vietnam
The main producer for both products is reportedly the Chinese company Goertek. The New Product Introduction (NPI) has been assigned to it, writes Kuo. The manufacturer operates factories in its home country, but also in Vietnam. Among other things, Goertek is known for its takeover of Danish high-end loudspeaker manufacturer Dynaudio and specializes in acoustic products.
The relationship with Goertek has thus "normalized", according to Kuo. Apple is said to have previously withdrawn orders due to "supply compliance issues". It is unclear what these issues were. Goertek is now expected to have significantly more Apple business on its books in 2025.
10 million units from Apple per year?
Kuo did not provide any concrete details of what an Apple security camera might look like. The market for such "smart home IP cameras" is currently still quite small and is expected to comprise 30 to 40 million units per year. Apple could therefore make a lot of headway here – also thanks to its popular HomeKit platform. The company has been operating the HomeKit Secure Video payment service as part of iCloud+ for several years, which is designed to enable secure, privacy-friendly video surveillance systems. However, this always requires a camera from a "third-party manufacturer", such as Eve Home.
There are also no details yet on the new "health" AirPods. Among other things, Apple plans to equip its Powerbeats Pro 2 with heart rate sensors. This could also happen in the AirPods. Most recently, Apple turned its AirPods Pro 2 into a hearing aid for mild or moderate hearing loss thanks to a new company. The new products show that Apple is actively looking for new market segments – The AirPods are already a billion-dollar business that is set to expand.
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