Siri meeting at Apple: Manager admits mistakes, shows unfinished features

Apple's postponement of important Apple Intelligence features for Siri is causing internal disgruntlement. Now an all-hands meeting has also been leaked.

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A meeting in which an Apple manager in charge is upset about the current AI problems with Siri has leaked to the financial news agency Bloomberg. Robby Walker, Senior Director for the Siri Experience, is said to have used harsh words at the all-hands meeting about the current state of the (not yet) context-sensitive voice assistant. The delays in central functions are "ugly and embarrassing", he said according to the report. This was made worse by the fact that Apple had advertised the functions in advance. A corresponding advertising video featuring an actress has since been withdrawn, but can still be viewed on X.

The meeting is said to have included all employees of the Siri department at Apple. According to Walker, we are currently in a "difficult period". According to this, it is even unclear when the features – announced by Apple in disclaimers for a "future software update" – will even arrive. According to Walker, his employees are "angry and disappointed", some are experiencing burnout and are embarrassed that the delay has occurred. Originally, the functions – were supposed to appear with iOS 18.5 alongside a personal context for Siri as well as the control of apps by voice and the recognition of screen content –.

Nevertheless, Walker praised his team for developing "incredibly impressive" features and said he would ensure that Apple delivered the "industry-leading virtual assistant" to customers. The Siri manager also said that what made matters worse was Apple's marketing communications insistence on promoting the features. Apple is now targeting iOS 19, but it is unclear whether it will be ready by then – The first version is expected in September. The Siri department also has other "commitments" to other projects that will be kept. Accordingly, these functions – can be brought forward for new hardware and software –, for example, and decisions are made "on a case-by-case basis".

Customers wanted a "fully rounded Siri" overall. Walker stated that the management was taking full personal responsibility –, not just him, but also AI boss John Giannandrea and software boss Craig Federighi as well as other senior managers. According to Walker, some of the functions have already been implemented, but they only work correctly up to a maximum of 80 percent of the time. The percentages should be high. The employees had put their "heart and soul" into the functions. Walker also demonstrated some of the functions at the all-hands, for example finding a driver's license in his photo database with Siri or a specific photo of a child.

He also manipulated an app directly by voice, inserted content into an email and added recipients. His employees should be "proud of their innovative work". According to Walker, employees are now "relieved" that Apple has announced the postponement, even if some are embarrassed. "It's normal to feel that way." Apple still wants to deliver "the world's best virtual assistant". However, the company has been working on this since 2011.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.