Today view: iOS 18 makes older widgets disappear

Apple is once again cutting out old habits with the next iOS. This time, mini-programs that some people might love are also affected.

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Widgets in the "Today" view

Widgets in the "Today" view.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

As beta testers of iOS 18 have discovered, widgets that have been used for years are suddenly no longer available in the "Today View" after installing the new operating system. The reason for this is that Apple will only support certain types of mini-programs in future. Legacy widgets will therefore have to go. This was noticed by the Apple blog 9to5Mac and was verifiable in the beta.

Apple had already introduced more modern widgets based on SwiftUI with iOS 14. Older Mini programs were still supported, however, as long as they were only used within the "Today" view. SwiftUI widgets then also appeared on the lock screen, in standby mode and on the home screen, and interactivity was added with iOS 17.

In the iOS 18 beta, the legacy widgets are now switched off without warning. If they are active in the Today View under iOS 17, they will no longer appear after the update. Apple also gives no indication that users are likely to be confused. However, it is possible that this will only be the case in the beta and Apple is still working on a corresponding warning dialog.

You can only check which widgets will disappear from the "Today" view with iOS 18 in iOS 17. However, they are quite recognizable because they have a slightly more old-fashioned design than SwiftUI widgets. In addition, they are always screen-wide rectangular and cannot display half-sizes. Finally, you can check for yourself whether it is an old widget by simply trying to place the widget on the home screen. If this does not work, it is old.

Users can therefore only hope that their favourite widget is already up to date. iOS 14 was released in September 2020 - so developers have had plenty of time to modernize their mini-programs. If this has not yet happened, you can contact them and ask them to do so - or you will have to switch to another app. iOS 18 will be released in the fall, probably in September. A public beta of the operating system is currently running, you can find out how to take part here.

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