iMessage in iOS 18 & Co.: Send later, emoji reactions, text editing

Apple's Messages app is getting numerous new functions this fall - some of which users have been waiting years for. An overview.

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A smartphone with an open messaging app in a human hand, a chat can be seen blurred on the screen.

A smartphone with the messaging app open.

(Image: Tero Vesalainen/

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple's in-house messenger, the Messages app, is about to undergo a minor revolution with iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS 15 Sequoia: the manufacturer will be adding a whole range of functions that users have been wanting for years because they have long been available in competing apps. Anyone who uses iMessage for a large part of their communication can rejoice,

Apple has upgraded its tapback function. The currently rather limited option of responding to individual messages has been significantly expanded. Instead of only being able to reply with hearts, thumbs up/thumbs down, laughter, exclamation marks and question marks, the entire emoji catalog is now available, as has long been the case with WhatsApp or Signal. Apple has also redesigned and colored the original tapbacks. Users without the new operating systems are informed by text that a specific emoji has been used to reply.

Another new and long-awaited feature is the "Send later" function. This allows a message to be sent at a later, pre-programmed time (as long as the device is active). In the current beta, the feature is still somewhat hidden and can be found via the Messages app plus menu under "More". Pre-written messages can then be found in the chat and can also be changed there if necessary.

Another new feature is so simple that it makes you wonder why it took so long: Apple is offering to mark up iMessage messages in rich text style for the first time. There is underlining, bolding and italics. Individual text areas or parts of sentences can now be animated with various effects such as "Boom", "Explode", "Big" or "Small" as well as with ripple effects and shakes. This was previously only possible screen-wide.

With the new operating systems, it will also be possible for the first time to communicate in the Messages app using the RCS protocol. From iPhone 14, Apple will also allow SMS and iMessage to be sent via satellite if there is no mobile phone reception. The feature is still free to use, but is set to become a subscription service in the foreseeable future. iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS 15 are expected in the fall. Apple has not yet made any changes to the controversial menu navigation in the Messages app on the iPhone in the developer beta.

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