"iPhone 17 Slim": Why the iPhone after next will be more exciting than the next

Apple is reportedly planning major modifications for the 2025 iPhones. This concerns the basic housing, but also the cameras.

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An iPhone package with iPhone

An iPhone package with iPhone.

(Image: Sebastian Trepesch)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

This much already seems to be clear in the rumor mill: The iPhone 16 planned for September will bring some changes to the form factor of the Pro models, have a new "Capture" button as well as improve the camera technology and be ready for Apple Intelligence with all four models. However, a completely new design is unlikely. Apple seems to be saving that for a specific 2025 model. The term "iPhone 17 Slim" has been circulating in the rumor ether for several months. These details are already known.

Apple seems to have agreed to make its future top-of-the-range iPhone model significantly thinner for the first time in a long time. This new trend began with the iPad Pro M4 and is also set to extend to future Apple Watch models. According to a report by IT news service The Information, a "significantly thinner casing" is being discussed.

Apple allegedly wants to switch back to aluminum instead of titanium and also tweak other areas: This includes a narrower Dynamic Island, a smaller Face ID system (built with "Metalens" technology) and an overall improved design that is supposedly similar to the switch to the iPhone X with Face ID. Apple will allegedly use the Slim to increase prices. You can already spend up to 1949 euros for an iPhone in Europe, and Apple could leapfrog this mark with the "Slim".

Apple is also working on the cameras. It is reportedly planned to arrange them horizontally at the back instead of vertically, as has long been the case with Android devices. The positioning is supposedly "top center", i.e. at the top and in the middle instead of on the left side. What exactly this will achieve remains unclear. At the same time, Apple wants to improve the selfie camera. It is to receive a new six-element lens with a 24 megapixel sensor, which would be double the size of the iPhone 15. Zooms and crops should not impair the image quality.

According to reports from Asia, Apple allegedly wishes to save a little more space with the display, going down to 6.55 inches. However, it is still unclear whether this will actually happen. A new coating could replace the familiar Ceramic Shield - it remains to be seen whether it will go in the direction of the nanotexture of the iPad Pro M4. The iPhone 17 series could also bring the ProMotion display to all models - including always-on display. Internally, Apple wants to tweak the RAM, among other things, with at least 8 GB being discussed. However, this should already be available for all models in the iPhone 16, which is required for Apple Intelligence. The "iPhone 17 Slim" is expected to be presented in September 2025.

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