watchOS 11: How the new vital signs app works

Apple wants more users to wear their watch at night. According to the company, this could provide important health data – with a new app.

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Vitals app from Apple

Vitals app from Apple for watchOS 11.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read

The next version of the Apple Watch operating system, watchOS, comes with convenient functions that mainly relate to the areas of fitness and health. In watchOS 11, you can pause fitness days ("cheat days") for the first time, the so-called training load is determined and the Health app records pregnancy data with more details. A brand new app called Vitals has also been added. An Apple manager has now commented on this in detail: It is intended to ensure that even more body data is recorded - even at night.

As Sumbul Desai, Vice President of Health, told CNET, a large part of our own health has remained invisible until now. "This daily status [via the Vitals app] is almost like a little snapshot (...) overnight." The aim is to record information such as heart rate or temperature even when you are not stressed during the day. "For the Apple Watch data to help you, you need to keep it on while you sleep."

Apple's main aim with the Vitals app is to first record a "baseline" of how the body behaves in a healthy state. It is then possible to detect deviations rapidly. The problem with this, however, is that the regular version of the computer watch - currently the Series 9 - has to be recharged throughout the day, although the fast charging function helps. The Apple Watch Ultra, on the other hand, lasts up to three days, which is somewhat reduced by wearing it while sleeping.

Presently, people mainly use the Apple Watch at night when they use it for sleep tracking. But it already has other advantages, such as registering body temperature deviations during the night. With Vitals, the group of "night wearers" is now to be expanded.

Vitals evaluates various data such as said sleep, heart rate, temperature, but also changes in altitude and (if specified) alcohol consumption and then displays health trends. This is intended to provide a better understanding of the body and allow conclusions to be drawn whether the wearer is about to fall ill. Desai emphasizes that they are careful with the notifications and do not send people to the doctor without good reason if abnormalities occur.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.