Autonomous shuttle on the road in Hesse

A test with an autonomous shuttle is now underway in Hesse. If the technology proves successful, it is intended to supplement an existing on-demand service.

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A car from the Kira project

(Image: Deutsche Bahn AG / RMV / Arne Landwehr)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Germany's first pilot project for an autonomous on-demand shuttle service is underway. Deutsche Bahn and the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) are now running the first car at automation level 4 in normal road traffic in a defined area in Darmstadt and the Offenbach district.

In the test, which is now planned to run until the end of 2024, six vehicles will gradually go into operation. Passengers will not yet be allowed to ride along. A supervisor, known as a safety driver, will sit at the wheel and only intervene in an emergency. The next phase of the project envisages a closed group of test passengers for which interested parties can apply.

For later regular operation without safety drivers, there will be a control center with technical supervision. This is now also being tested. Employees will monitor the vehicles and, after assessing the situation on the basis of camera images and data, will give maneuvering clearance if it appears necessary.

The Kira project set up by Deutsche Bahn and RMV for this purpose uses NIO ES8 electric cars equipped with a Mobileye driving system for the shuttle service. This will be tested on the first journeys. The aim is to check the maps of the operating area and ensure that all data points along the road are correct. The vehicles will be able to drive at normal speed, have a range of around 400 km and offer three seats for passengers for use in test traffic.

Initially, all safety-relevant processes are to be tested and optimized in the project. The legal basis for this is provided by the "Autonomous Vehicle Approval and Operation Ordinance". This regulation was approved by the Federal Council just over two years ago. It stipulates that autonomous cars may drive in defined operating areas. The Federal Motor Transport Authority has approved the project.

According to transport companies, on-demand shuttles are particularly suitable for rural areas. They could provide "nationwide mobility" there. Such a service is currently already available in ten RMV areas, and the autonomous shuttles would complement this - provided they prove themselves in tests.

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The first autonomous bus was launched by Deutsche Bahn in 2017 in Bad Birnbach in the Rottal-Inn district. The first on-call bus operated by ioko was launched by DB in Wittlich in the Palatinate in 2018. In contrast to these approaches, the new project is intended to lead to the "world's first fleet" of autonomous on-demand buses, as it was called two years ago.

Proponents of autonomous vehicles believe that autonomous cars could make road traffic safer. In addition, such cars could also be a means of countering the shortage of skilled workers.
