iPad Pro M4: Market researchers see cannibalization of cheaper models

Apple's tablet business is finally growing again. The reason is apparently not only that more devices have been sold - but also which ones specifically.

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iPad Pro M4 in both variants

iPad Pro M4 in both variants.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read

A look at Apple's latest quarterly figures shows that the company's tablet business in particular has recovered. Sales rose by 23.7 percent compared to the same quarter last year to 7.2 billion US dollars - analysts had expected half a billion less. The reason for this is that Apple finally managed to overhaul its iPad range in the second quarter with a new Pro M4 and a new Air M2, after there had not been a single new device in 2023. However, it was previously unclear how sales were distributed. An initial analysis by market researcher CIRP is now available.

The Consumer Intelligence Research Partners assume that the iPad refresh is basically working. However, there is also a cannibalization of cheaper models by the iPad Pro M4. This has apparently become a customer hit thanks to the new OLED screen and its thin design. According to CIRP, both Pro models, which are available in 11 and 13 inch versions, accounted for 43% of sales in the June quarter. This is 5 percent more than in the same quarter last year.

As a result, sales of the iPad Air and iPad mini are declining - although the Air has seen a substantial improvement with the M2 SoC and a new 13-inch version. (The iPad mini, on the other hand, is still being bought with very outdated technology). CIRP also reports that the Air now accounts for 12 percent of all iPad sales, a drop of 3 percent compared to the same quarter last year. The iPad mini shrank from 12 to 10 percent. Standard iPads, most recently overtaken by the iPad 10 from 2022, account for 35%, which has not changed compared to the June quarter of 2023.

The analysis, which is based on market estimates, shows that Apple has clearly not managed to better differentiate the Air from the Pro. The fact that it has now also been released in two versions with 11 and 13 inches is unlikely to have helped. However, you will have to pay considerably more if you want to upgrade from the Air to the Pro.

The iPad Air M2 with 11 inches costs 500 euros less than the iPad Pro M4 with 11 inches. The 13-inch iPad Air M2 is even 600 euros less than the 13-inch iPad Pro M4. The differences are smaller if you compare the 13-inch version of the Air M2 with the 11-inch version of the Pro M4: here the surcharge is 250 euros.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.