Beta leak: Generative AI coming soon for Apple Music

A previously unknown Apple intelligence function has been discovered in the code of the latest iOS 18 pre-release.

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Woman with AirPod, next to it an Apple Intelligence icon

Music listener and icon from Apple Intelligence

(Image: Ivan_Shenets/ / Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Details on Apple Intelligence in practice have been scarce so far - as is well known, Apple has not even started beta testing for developers. Now another feature has slipped through that the company is apparently planning. Details can be found in the latest developer preview of iOS 18.

As Apple blog 9to5Mac discovered in the code of iOS 18 beta 4, the new feature concerns the music streaming app Apple Music. Apple is apparently planning to integrate its "Image Playground" function here – via a new "Create Image" button. The "Image Playground" is the image generator integrated into Apple Intelligence. This allows images to be generated in various formats using a prompt or template. However, Apple does not allow photorealistic images in order to avoid deepfakes. Instead, you can create images in a drawing or cartoon style, for example.

In Apple Music, "Create Image" is apparently used to create AI-generated illustrations for self-generated playlists, which then appear as their cover image. The string discovered by 9to5Mac belongs in this screen. "Most likely, Apple Music will ask the user what the artwork of the playlist should look like and then offer a few options to choose from," the blog says. At the moment, however, the function is still under development and it is impossible to activate it in the beta – just like all other Apple Intelligence features. Hints of a waiting list have appeared in previous betas, but no one has yet been able to sign up to one either.

Apple is taking a very cautious approach to Apple Intelligence. The company wants to start a test phase this summer, but it remains to be seen whether this will also be available to the public or only to participants in the developer program. Currently, we would guess the latter.

In the fall, presumably in September 2024, iOS 18 with Apple Intelligence will be released as a beta. Not all features will be available, such as the improved Siri. In addition, the only supported language will be US English and Apple is initially refusing to bring the offer to Europe.

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