Report: Apple Intelligence not coming until October with iOS 18.1

US report says Apple is delaying the release of its generative AI more than planned: Apple Intelligence will probably be released a month later than iOS 18.

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Apple Intelligence logo and icon

Apple Intelligence.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple will apparently no longer be able to provide Apple Intelligence in time for the launch of iOS 18, which is expected in September. This is according to the usually well-informed Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman. According to his report on Sunday, Apple is now planning to introduce its generative AI with iOS 18.1 and iPadOS 18.1. These systems are expected in October. In order to test the features, Apple may want to release the first betas of iOS 18.1 and iPadOS 18.1 this week, which are initially only intended for developers. This would be unusual, as pre-release versions of the successor systems would then be made available before iOS 18 and iPadOS 18.

Work on iOS 18.0 and iPadOS 18.0 should be completed this month. Apple then wants to concentrate fully on Apple Intelligence. It still seems unclear how Apple will handle macOS 15 aka Sequoia. The update could be released as version 15.0 in September or October. In that case, there would be no postponement of the AI features on the Mac. However, Gurman does not provide any details in his report.

The full functionality of Apple Intelligence is not expected immediately anyway. The rollout is expected to take until the first half of 2025. Work on the AI system for visionOS will also not be completed before next year. Initially, Apple Intelligence will include the prioritization of important notifications, summaries of web pages and voice memos, writing tools and ChatGPT integration. There will also be a revised Siri, although this is not expected before next year.

Apple hopes that Apple Intelligence will boost iPhone 16 business. All four new devices should be immediately compatible with it, with the iPhone 15 it is only the 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. All iPad devices with M processors are compatible with the software, as is the Mac. Accordingly, more products will be supported right from the start.

Apple does not want to make its AI system available in Europe for the time being, as it fears it could conflict with competition rules. However, it remains to be seen whether this will remain a threat or actually happen.

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